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Chisenhale Artists Program July 2004


Research into Movement Matrices: Pendulum - Metronome - Rocking Chair, and their Effect on one Dance Sequence.

InCompass investigates the use of weight, navigated through the body in motion. The three movement matrices of pendulum, metronome and rocking chair serve as abstract models for the development of a movement sequence centred around the features that all three objects have in common: deviation from the vertical axis, movement predominantly on the wheel plane, and oscillation which utilises weight shifts towards the 'off-balance' points. The sequence is manipulated with respect to the particularities of the three movement matrices : Manipulation and impulse, pivotal point, moment of suspension, centre of gravity, energetic lines described in space and the distribution/ position of weight. Physicality and structure will serve as starting point to challenge the extremes of detailed body control.

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